Stamina Potion, 14oz Candle, Juniper and Cypress, Front View, Cap Removed
Stamina Potion, 14oz Candle, Juniper and Cypress, Front View,  Cap Removed, Plain White Background
Stamina Potion, 14oz Candle, Juniper and Cypress, Front View, Cap On, Plain White Background
Stamina Potion, 14oz Candle, Juniper and Cypress, Front View, Cap On
Stamina Potion, 14oz Candle, Juniper and Cypress, Front View, Cap Removed in Dragon Candle Holder

Stamina Potion | 14oz Candle | Juniper and Cypress Scented | Dragon's Hoard

$25.00 $17.99

Primary Fragrances: Juniper, Cypress

Secondary Fragrances: Balsam, Oak

Never run out of energy with a stamina potion in the bag! This fragrance blends a refined botanical gin and aged woods. The top note of juniper gives this scent its signature aroma. A woodsy mix of balsam, oak, cedar, and cypress give this fragrance its distinguished base. This scent is truly a year round fragrance for any adventurer.

Scent: Juniper and Cypress
Weight: 14oz (397g)
Wax Type: Premium Paraffin
Wick Count: Double

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